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Measures of University Research Output and Resource Usage Efficiency

Dr Alona Zharova Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin

Date:28 February 2018, Wednesday

Location:S16-06-118, DSAP Seminar Room

Time:03:00pm - 04:00pm


The management of universities demands data on teaching and research. While teaching parameters can be measured via student performance and teacher evaluation programs, the connection of research outputs and their grant fundamentals is much harder to check, test and understand. This research contributes to the discussion on interdependence structure between third-party funds, publications, citations and academic age. To describe the relationship, we analyze individual level data from a sample of professorships from a leading research university and a Scopus database for the period 2001 to 2015. Using estimates from PVARX model, impulse response functions and forecast error variance decomposition we show that performing analyses on the high aggregation level of universities does not reflect the behavior of its faculties. We explain the differences in relationship structure between indicators for social sciences and humanities, life sciences and mathematical and natural sciences. The research also proposes a visualization of a cooperation between faculties and a research interdisciplinarity via co-authorship of publications. We discuss the implications for policy and decision making and suggest recommendations for research management of university.