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Data Science Pedagogy at UC Berkeley: Teaching with interactive notebooks at scale, and extensions to Economics

Dr Eric Van DusenUniversity of California, Berkeley

Date:11 January 2023, Wednesday

Location:S16-06-118, Seminar room

Time:3-4 pm, Singapore


UC Berkeley is pioneering a broad-based and inclusive undergraduate approach to teaching Data Science. In a few short years the enrollment in introductory class has grown to 1500 students per semester, the upper division core class to 1000 students per semester and over 1000 students enrolled in the major.  This teaching at scale relies on interactive computing through a cloud-based server, an open source software stack, and innovation in pedagogy.  Beyond core DS, CS, and Stats classes, the team has also adapted the technique to deploy interactive notebooks in a range of classes across campus.  One particularly compelling case is how Data Science teaching techniques can provide innovation in the teaching of Economics and introduce reproducible practices.