
Keep in Touch


To All Statistics Alumni,

We have set up a Facebook Page for the department. Do join us. Start connecting with our students and alumni through Facebook!

We would like to keep in touch with you. Kindly spare some time to complete the survey and fax it back to us. For those who have completed the survey, THANKS!!!

If there are any good news or updates that you want to share with us, please send it to

Calling all graduates who matriculated after 1998.

If you majored in Statistics in the Faculty of Science or did a shared major in Statistics in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, we would like to keep in contact with you.

Please provide us with your contact information, such as email address, contact telephone numbers and mailing address to Ms Melissa Thong. If you have photos which you would like to share with your friends on our Alumni website, do email them to us too.