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Date:06 September 2019, Friday

Location:S16-03-04, Faculty of Science

Time:03:00PM to 04:00PM

Species Abundance Information Improves Sequence Taxonomy Classification Accuracy

  Popular naive Bayes taxonomic classifiers for amplicon sequences assume that all species in the reference database are equally likely…

Dr. Benjamin KaehlerUniversity of New South Wales Canberra

Date:04 September 2019, Wednesday

Location:S16-16-118 , DSAP Seminar Room, Faculty of Science

Time:03:00PM to 04:00PM

On Bivariate Extreme Value Copulas with Polynomial Dependence Functions

  We discuss how the mixed model and the asymmetric mixed model family of bivariate extreme value can be extended…

Professor Berwin A TurlachSchool of Mathematics and Statistics (M019) The University of Western Australia

Date:30 August 2019, Friday

Location:S16-05-96, DSAP Computer Lab 4, Faculty of Science

Time:03:00PM to 04:00PM

A Statistical Test to Identify Shared Genetic Variants Between Disease Outcomes: An Application to GWAS of Cleft Subtypes

  With a growing number of disease- and trait-associated genetic variants detected and replicated across genome-wide association studies (GWAS), scientists…

Professor Debashree RayJohns Hopkins University, USA

Date:26 August 2019, Monday

Location:S16-05-96, DSAP Computer Lab 4, Faculty of Science

Time:03:00PM to 04:00PM

A Simple Model for Complex Spatio-Temporal Data

  Spatio-temporal modelling has largely been developed through applications in geostatistics, hydrology and meteorology. More recent activities in the area…

Professor Luigi Ippoliti, Department of EconomicsUniversity G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ITALY

Date:26 August 2019, Monday

Location:S16-05-96, DSAP Computer Lab 4, Faculty of Science

Time:03:00PM to 04:00PM

A Simple Model for Complex Spatio-Temporal Data

  Spatio-temporal modelling has largely been developed through applications in geostatistics, hydrology and meteorology. More recent activities in the area…

Professor Luigi Ippoliti, Department of EconomicsUniversity G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ITALY

Date:26 August 2019, Monday

Location:S16-05-96, DSAP Computer Lab 4, Faculty of Science

Time:04:00PM to 05:00PM

A Hierarchical Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Model To Estimate the Short-term Effects of Air Pollution On Human Health

  We introduce a hierarchical spatio-temporal regression model to study the spatial and temporal association existing between health data and…

Professor Pasquale ValentiniDepartment of Economics, University G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ITALY

Date:26 August 2019, Monday

Location:S16-05-96, DSAP Computer Lab 4, Faculty of Science

Time:04:00PM to 05:00PM

A Hierarchical Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Model To Estimate the Short-term

  We introduce a hierarchical spatio-temporal regression model to study the spatial and temporal association existing between health data and…

Professor Pasquale Valentini, Department of EconomicsUniversity G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ITALY

Date:08 August 2019, Thursday

Location:S16-05-96, DSAP Computer Lab 4, Faculty of Science

Time:02:00PM to 03:00PM

Time Domain Astronomy: Statistical Issues

  Universe is teaming with objects that exhibit a wide range of variability in brightness at different wavebands leading to…

Professor G. Jogesh BabuDistinguished Professor of Statistics, Astronomy & Astrophysics The Pennsylvania State University

Date:24 July 2019, Wednesday

Location:S16-05-96, DSAP Computer Lab 4

Time:03:00PM to 04:00PM

Non-Convex Optimization Through Stochastic Gradient Descent, Phase Retrieval As A Case Study

Gini index is a widely used measure of economic inequality. Apart from measuring economic inequality, the Gini index is used…

Prof Yan Shuo TanUniversity of California, Berkley

Date:24 July 2019, Wednesday

Location:S16-05-96, DSAP Computer Lab 4

Time:03:00pm - 04:00pm

Non-Convex Optimization Through Stochastic Gradient Descent, Phase Retrieval As A Case Study

  Despite the development of many new optimization techniques, constant step-size stochastic gradient descent remains the tool of choice in…

Prof Yan Shuo Tan University of California, Berkley
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