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Date:9 September 2021, Thursday


Time:10am-11am, Singapore

The Citation Behavior of Statisticians

We collected and cleaned a data set consisting of the bibtex and citation data of 83k papers published in 36…

Professor Jiashun JinDepartment of Statistics and Data Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Date:25 August 2021, Wednesday


Time:10:00am - 11:00am, Singapore time

High Dimensional QDA when the Signals are Rare and Weak.

Consider a two-class classification problem where we observe samples generated from groups 0 and 1. Suppose a new sample from the…

Dr Wang WanjieDepartment of Statistics and Data Science, NUS

Date:18 August 2021, Wednesday


Time:10:00am - 11:00am, Singapore time

Algorithmic Properties of Large Sample Covariance Matrices

The last two decades have witnessed the rapid development of large dimensional matrices in probability and statistics. A lot of…

Dr Xiucai DingUniversity of California, Davis

Date:11 August 2021, Wednesday


Time:10:00am - 11:00am, Singapore time

Divide-and-Conquer Bayesian Inference in Hidden Markov Models

This talk is about Divide-and-conquer Bayesian inference in models for dependent data. Divide-and-conquer Bayesian methods consist of three steps: dividing…

Dr Sanvesh SrivastavaUniversity of Iowa

Date:8 April 2021, Thursday


Time:10:00am - 11:00am, Singapore time

High-Dimensional Variable Screening and Dimension Reduction and Their Applications To Classification

PhD Oral Presentation Feature selection and dimension reduction are the most popular approaches in analysing high dimensional data.  The sure…

Mr Cai ZhiboDepartment of Statistics and Applied Probability, NUS

Date:22 March 2021, Monday


Time:3:00pm - 4:00pm, Singapore time

Feature Selection in High-dimensional Models and Interpreting Deep Neural Networks

PhD Oral Presentation Feature selection is a fundamental method in many scientific discoveries in recent decades ranging from statistical analysis…

Ms Zhang AnDepartment of Statistics and Applied Probability, NUS

Date:9 March 2021, Tuesday


Time:2:00pm - 3:00pm, Singapore time

Statistical Inference For Decision Curve Analysis and Decision Threshold For Statistical Learning in Medical Research

PhD Oral Presentation Statistical learning methods are widely used in medical literature for the purpose of diagnosis or risk prediction….

Ms Sumaiya Zakirhusen SandeDepartment of Statistics and Applied Probability, NUS

Date: 24 November 2020, Tuesday


Time:3:00pm - 4:00pm, Singapore time

Bayesian Inference For Latent Variable Models

Bayesian inference is a very popular and effective methodology for statistical modeling. One common problem that arises in Bayesian inference…

Mr Deng LuDepartment of Statistics and Applied Probability, NUS

Date:30 November 2020, Monday


Time:2:00pm - 3:00pm, Singapore time

Fluorescence Spectroscopy Analysis Through Convolutional Neural Networks

PhD Oral Presentation An important analysis in fluorescence spectroscopy is molecular dynamics, in particular, quantification of diffusion coefficient. Imaging Fluorescence…

Mr Tang Wai HohDepartment of Statistics and Applied Probability, NUS

Date:6 November 2020, Friday

Location:ZOOM Webinar

Time:1:00pm - 2:00pm, Singapore time

Unleash the Power of your Data for Faster, Smarter Decision Making

The advancement of technology is transforming the way we do business.  Organisations often generate gigabytes of data, and massive databases…

Associate Professor Carol HargreavesDepartment of Statistics and Applied Probability, NUS
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