



The DACC offers a comprehensive suite of advisory and consulting services for businesses.


We help businesses with the following:

  • Acquire, grow and retain customers
  • Automate data cleaning and data preparation processes
  • Create new business models
  • Create new and innovative products and services
  • Enhance revenue generation
  • Manage risk
  • Optimise operations and performance
  • Reduce fraud
  • Transform business and financial processes

We create industry-leading software applications and decision support systems. We also offer statistical training programmes for credit risk modelling, churn reduction, fraud analytics, revenue growth, data cleaning and preparation, customer analytics, product analytics and business data analytics related to R, Python and SPSS.



We work with industry partners to facilitate adoption of leading-edge data-driven solutions that address business challenges. Our programmes also provide students exposure to real-world data-driven problems.


Our partnership initiatives seek to achieve the following:

Train a pipeline of talent: Our students can undertake internships with a wide spectrum of our corporate partners, from small and medium enterprises to multinational corporations. Our Data Science and Analytics undergraduates can also participate in the cooperative education programme, which combines academic studies with on-the-job learning through internships. This relates theory to real-world issues, which enhances students’ employability after graduation.

Solve data-driven business problems: Our industry engagement events and workshops help our clients to seize the opportunity for business transformation with data analytics. Through the DACC, businesses can also tap on the multidisciplinary expertise of our professors.

Exchange knowledge: Our Industry Sharing Series features speakers from leading organisations, like SAP, Google and Nielsen, to name a few, who share on workplace challenges and practical business applications. This complements students’ classroom knowledge and prepares them for data science-related careers in diverse industries. In turn, our industry partners enjoy early access to a pool of talented students, and opportunities to network with our data scientists.



The DACC engages key stakeholders to raise awareness of opportunities in the fast-growing data science sector.


Through data science talks and short training courses, we hope to raise awareness of the exciting new career and business opportunities from Singapore’s Smart Nation vision. We will also engage educators and other key stakeholders to develop educational and outreach programmes as part of long-term efforts to create a new generation of data scientists.

Recent outreach events include the following:

Department engagement events
Internet of Things (IoT) Datathon 
Data Science and Analytics Day