
Tao YU

Associate Professor
Department of Statistics & Applied Probability
National University of Singapore

Phone: (65)6516-6253


    • 2009 PhD,
      Statistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison

    • 2004 MS,
      Probability and Statistics, Nankai University

  • 2001 BS,
    Mathematics, Nankai University

Research Interests

  • Statistical Modeling of the Brain Imaging Data


  • Theory and application of the Semi- and Non-parametric likelihood methods


  • Shape Constrained Inference in Non-parametric Models


  • Statistical Modeling of the High Throughput Gene Data


  • Density Estimation in Multiple Sample Data


Selected Publications

  • Chen, B., Li, P., Qin, J., and Yu, T. (Forthcoming). “Using a monotonic density ratio model to find the asymptotically optimal combination of multiple diagnostic tests.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, accepted.


  • Yu, T. and Li, P. (2013). “Spatial shrinkage estimation of diffusion tensors on diffusion weighted imaging data”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108, 864-875.


  • Yu, T., Zhang, C.M., Alexander, A.L., and Davidson, R.J. (2013). “Local Tests for Identifying Anisotropic Diffusion Areas in Human Brain with DTI”. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 7, 201-225.


  • Yu, T., Li, J., and Ma, S. (2012). “Adjusting Confounders in Ranking Biomarkers: A model-based ROC approach”. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 13, 513-523.


  • Zhang, C.M., Fan, J. and Yu, T. (2011). “Multiple testing via FDRL for large-scale imaging data”. The Annals of Statistics, 39, 613-642.


  • Zhang, C.M. and Yu, T. (2008). “Semiparametric detection of significant activation for brain fMRI”. The Annals of Statistics , 36, 1693–1725.


  • Zhang, C.M., Jiang, Y. and Yu, T. (2007). “A comparative study of one-level and two-level semiparametric estimation of hemodynamic response function for fMRI data”. Statistics in Medicine , 26, 3845–3861. (special issue on statistical analysis of neuronal data.)


  • Zhang, C.M., Fu, H., Jiang, Y. and Yu, T. (2007). “High-dimensional pseudo logistic regression and classification with applications to gene expression data”. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , 52, 452–470.(special issue on statistical learning methods including dimesionality reduction.)


Selected Works in Progress

  • Yu, T., Li, P., and Qin, J., “Two-sample density estimation with likelihood ratio ordering” Rejected with Resubmission for Biometrika.


  • Li, P., Yu, T., and Qin, J. “Likelihood Ratio Test for Homogeneity with Correlated Unordered Pairs”, Rejected with Resubmission for the Annals of Statistics.



  • NUS Start-up Grant: “Local Tests for Analysing Human Brain Anatomical Structure on DT-MRI and DWI” S$60,000; PI; September 2009- September 2013.


  • NUS AcRF Tier 1 Grant: “New Methods for High-throughput Gene Data”, S$49,500, PI; February 2013- July 2015.


  • NUS AcRF Tier 1 Grant: “Regularization and Variable Selection in Computer Intensive Statistical Methods”, S$50,800, PI; August 2011 – July 2015.


  • NUS AcRF Tier 1 Grant: “Sparse Portfolio Selection: Method, Theory, and Applications”, S$39,672, PI; March 2012 – February 2015.


  • MOE Tier 2 grant: “Estimation and Modelling of Conditional Covariance Matrices”, S$268,965, CO-PI; March 2015 – February 2018.


  • NUS AcRF Tier 1 Grant: “Pseudo-likelihood Method for Transformation and Box-Cox Transformation Model”, S$73,600, PI; June 2015 – May 2018.



  • ST2334 Probability and Statistics


  • ST3131 Regression Analysis


  • ST3232 Design and Analysis of Experiments


  • ST4232 Nonparametric Statistics


  • ST4242 Longitudinal Data Analysis


  • ST5203 Experimental Design


  • ST5206 Generalized Linear Models


  • ST5222 Advanced Topics in Applies Statistics


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